Our premium dry dog food Adult Active Chicken & Fish is rich in prebiotics that support your dog’s intestinal health as well as a healthy skin and coat. The dog food is the ideal food for dogs with an increased energy requirement, as it supports optimal endurance and performance. It contains at least 14% dried poultry as a high-quality animal protein source. Highly active dogs need to perform at high level and therefore need a food with an increased energy concentration. Our Adult Active Chicken & Fish dog food consists of carefully selected ingredients, which are processed into a very tasty and well tolerated quality food and is ideal for active dogs. The dog food contains essential proteins, fatty acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins in the right proportions, offering balanced nutrients for your dogs. These nutrients are essential for the optimal maintenance of a healthy dog. The kibbles are suitable for all dog breeds from 1 year onwards. Delivery includes 2 packs of dry dog food.
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